Kitsune rests in wait
Kitsune rests in wait,
With silvered tails a-glisten,
Beneath the pale moon.
Centuries of lives
Caught up within a moment,
Hidden beneath guile.
Majestic beauty
Held captive by starry skies
Shall not be revealed…
But one just might see
Should perfection seek the truth
What lies hidden; veiled.
A Kitsune, in wait,
With painted lips curved, aglow,
Beneath a pitch sky.
Plus Daddy thinks it’s cute!
Daddy! You startled me!…
…No, Daddy…I was um… cuddling my tail. Not humping it.
…Not humping it at all >_>…
*murrs and blushes*
For as long as I can remember, I have been a humper. Stuffies, pillows, blankets, chair arms, chairs in general, clothes. Tails. Inanimate objects are not safe from the tyranny of my lust 😈 Plus Daddy thinks it’s cute! 🙈
🌟What is the “strangest” or most surprising thing you have masturbated with?🌟 🦊Floor dragger tug fox tail from