Wiki-anal oral sex google imageIf you’re apprehensive about anal sex; you’re not alone. Thousands of women are nervous about trying it. Even more have vowed to never try it again after a bad experience.

Often times, anal sex is thought of as dirty, painful or awkward at the best. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Anal sex can be a highly erotic sexual pleasure with the right approach.


Hygiene is a simple fix. If you have normal firmed bowel movements simply washing with close attention to your bottom should do the trick. For a better cleaning anal douching is an effective choice; visit my article for more about anal douching. Another option is having your partner wear a condom during anal sex. With a condom, clean up is easy in case of an accident.

Warming Up

The number one thing to help you get in the mood for anal sex is warming up your bottom. A sensual booty massage is a great way to help get your bottom relaxed and longing for more attention. Butt plugs are also a dandy little tool. Even the smallest of plug’s work great to relax your anal entrance and reduce the cringe of penetration latter.

To warm things up even more, there are a few intimate tricks that work wonders too. Such as, try using a small vibrator or even a finger to stimulate the tight little hole. Even more erotic is anilingus or anal rimming. During oral sex, visiting down bellow with the tongue and everywhere in-between is a sure way to get ready for more play. Even having a vaginal orgasm before anal sex will make things easier for back door play.

The nitty gritty of anal sex.

The first rule of anal penetration is lube, lube and more lube.

With a generous dab of lube on your little hole and his rod well lubed up, it will slip in easier and smoother. Go slow and have him stop once he’s just a bit inside of you. Breathe and try to relax your muscles; don’t let him move yet.

After a few moments, have him pull back out and re-lube up your bottom and his rod.

Going back in will be a bit easier this time.

However, once again only allow him to go in a little ways and stop. Think about relaxing and take some deep breaths. When you feel comfortable begin to move your hips and enjoy the feeling of him inside of you. After your at ease, allow him to take control and have fun.

Be sure to keep the lube close at hand and have him reapply when needed.

Add extra spice to your anal sex with a clitoral vibe or by using a toy vaginally.

Being intimate in new ways is always a rocky road. Although it may be awkward, exploring new things adds a new dimension to your intimacy and is well worth the journey.

For me personally, I’ve embraced ‘Greek Love’ and enjoy it as much, if not more, than vaginal sex alone. Anal orgasms are some of the best I’ve ever experienced.

I hope these tips help you feel more comfortable and open up to new delights. You never know where the journey may take you.

One of the concerns when embarking on the journey into anal play is cleanliness. Let’s face it as erotic as anal sex is, no one wants to find mud on their hood when they pull out. Often times, this fear or surviving the embarrassment of one bad experience can be enough to detour people from anal sex.

However, with a bit of preparation, there are a few things that can be done to ensure that your anal sex is nothing but good clean fun.

Digestive Health

A diet that’s high in natural fiber (not over processed fibers) and staying hydrated is the number one thing that you can do for digestive tract health. Fiber will cause the feces in your bowels to bind together and come out as a formed solid and drinking the proper amount of water will help things flow on a regular basis.

A quick look at how the digestive track works.

The food that you eat passes through the stomach and into the small intestines. Here nutrients are absorbed into the body. Next it passes into the large intestines where the fluid and remaining nutrients are absorbed into the body. It’s at the bottom of the large intestines where the feces is held until a build up is detected by the nerves which then single the brain that it’s time to expel the feces. The last section is the rectum, which is approximately eight inches long. It’s a common myth that this is the area where feces are held until evacuating. However, in normal circumstances, the rectum is only a passage way out. Typically, people who have normal bowel movements don’t need to worry about internal cleanliness. A simple through washing of the outer anal area is all that’s needed before your play time.

For those who’s bowels are not fully formed, a few little bits may remain in the rectum after defecating. For these situations, anal douching is effective to clean everything out.

Anal Douching

For those who desire a bit more reassurance, anal douching remains the most popular option.

However, there’s great debate over the safety of anal douching. Many experts say that douching washes away much of the protective mucous lining of your rectum, leaving you open to infections. Also, anal douches can irritate or cause small tiny cuts in your anus making you more susceptible to infections. In addition, over use of enemas/douches can interfere with the normal workings of your bowels and possibly lead to your bowels being dependent upon laxatives to function correctly. Most importantly, water is absorbed through bowels and a sudden overload can increase blood volume. This can cause problems for those who suffer from heart or kidney diseases; including heart arrhythmia. Therefore, if you’re not in good health it’s always best to consult your physician before anal douching.

Although there are health concerns, when using anal douches in moderation, it’s believed by many to be the best option to have an overall hygienic anal experience.

How to Anal Douche

The goal of anal douching is to clean the walls of the rectum, not prompt you to have a bowel movement. Therefore, it’s best not to use enemas which contain laxatives or other medications. For anal douching only lukewarm water is needed. Also, a strong force of water or over filling the rectum with water may cause you to have a bowel movement if the water reaches the lower large intestine. When anal douching, only approximately four to eight ounces of water at a time is needed to rinse away anything stuck to the rectal walls.

It’s always best to douche two to four hours before you play. Douching a few hours before anal sex allows your body to expel any extra water and also gives the rectum time to reproduce some of the mucus which was washed away during the rinsing.

To douche, insert the water and hold it in for about ten to twenty seconds. Then, sit on the toilet and allow the water to run back out. Remember, the goal is to simply rinse the rectum’s walls. Repeat this process until the water runs clearish, (Normally the water will never run crystal clear since the mucus lining is also being washed away). Never over douche, since this removes too much of the mucus lining and can cause health problems. I typically douche only two times a few hours before anal sex and have never experienced an embarrassing moment.

Tools To Use

Anal douches can be purchased at most local drug stores. However they are generally marketed under the name ‘rectal syringe’. These are small bulbs with a rounded tip to make insertion easier. They can also be purchased at most sex toy stores. Also, these are also available in travel size and fit in your purse. Perfect to take along on a date or a night out on the town, these allow you to clean yourself for unexpected fun.

Anal douche hoses that attach to your bathtub are also available. However with these, it’s important to make sure that you can control the force of the water flow to ensure that damage to your rectum isn’t caused by the strong force of the water. The safest design is those that work based on gravity and not water force.

An old fashioned douche bag is another option. Although these work well, be sure to only use a small amount of water at a time and to use the anal attachment. The vaginal attachment has small holes which may not do the trick.

Enemas are a convenient, inexpensive and disposable option. However, be sure that the enema you choose is saline water. Again, other types of enemas which contain laxatives or other ingredients that work with your body to alleviate constipation can cause you have a bowel movement at the wrong time; before you play.

There’s no exact science to anal douching. Also, I’m not a medical doctor. These are just some tips and tricks to help you along your anal sex journey and not intended to over ride any medical advice you’ve received. If you experience bleeding, pain or cramping please seek medical attention as this can be a signs of serious injury to your rectum.

With a bit of preparation you can enjoy anal sex without having the fear of an embarrassing moment. The trick is to find what’s right for your body. The more experience you have with anal douching you will find the combination of time and water volume that works right for you.

When you feel clean and confident, you can relax and enjoy yourself during anal sex. I’m sure your partner will also appreciated that you’ve taken the time to cleanse yourself and make him feel more at ease also.

Have fun, relax and enjoy yourself.

In this day and age of sexual acceptance Anal Sex still remains a taboo sexual act. Although many couples thoroughly enjoy it, you don’t find many women willing to admit it. More times than not, when someone mentions Anal Sex it brings to mind gay or bisexual men, rather than something enjoyable between heterosexual couples. Yet, the truth is that more and more women are engaging in Anal Sex and loving it.

When I reveal my secret pleasure to other women, the response is generally the same, “How can you enjoy that?” and “Doesn’t it hurt?” My answer never changes, “It only hurts for a moment, but the pleasure is well worth a little cringe.”

Hubby and I have been enjoying Anal Sex regularly for a few years now. After I learned to relax and breathe when he enters my rear, I become rather addicted to it. Although I absolutely love the sensations when I feel him deep inside of me, I’ve never experienced a true anal orgasm. That is, until the other night.

That’s right, an anal orgasm isn’t just for men; women can enjoy them too.

As we all know, everyone’s body is different and experience pleasures uniquely. Yet for most women, the anus is very active during a PIV (penis in vagina) orgasm, you just might not know it. During an orgasm the sphincter muscles are clenching and relaxing, those contractions stimulate the sensitive nerve endings in both the vagina and anus and often times make your orgasm even better.

How can this be, you ask? The anus is flooded with nerve endings most of which move through the Pudendal Nerve, which is the same nerve that serves the clitoris. Further inside of the rectum, stimulation will be picked up by the same nerves that responds to stimulation of the inner vagina the cervix; the Pelvic Nerve. Stimulating these nerves can cause a deep and throbbing sensation inside both the vagina and anus. With many tiny branches of these nerves surrounding and connecting to the anus, it’s easy to see why Anal Sex is enjoyable.

If you haven’t experience an anal orgasm, extra stimulation is an excellent way to help you achieve one. While having Anal Sex, all of your erogenous zones are exposed and easy to access. Try stimulating your clit or even using a vibrator inside your vagina, since all of the nerves are connected it should help to send you into bliss. You can even enlist the help of your lover to help provide extra stimulation.

While having Anal Sex the nerves will fire and its muscles will contract acting like the vagina. However, the rectum isn’t self lubricating. Therefore, extra lubrication is needed while having Anal Sex for things to be more enjoyable.

Explore, be safe and have fun. I’m sure you’ll find yourself loving anal orgasms as much as me.

Your lover’s bottom is a playing field just waiting to be explored. An often over looked erogenous zone, the two cheeks like to be caressed, kneaded, pinched, spanked and so much more.

On way to entice your lover into opening up to its pleasures is a sensual massage. Massaging this area floods the pelvis with fresh blood flow which enhances sexual sensations. Not only the butt cheeks, but also the hips, lower back, and inner thighs are highly erogenous zones. Massaging these areas just might lead to other back door pleasures.

When giving a sensual massage set the mood for your lover to help them relax. Dimming the lights and setting around a few candles are only a couple of the things you can do. Aromatherapy is also a wonderful touch to help your lover relax. Sandalwood is one of my personal favorites. Its aroma is soft, warm and woody without a smelling like perfume or flowery. Best of all, Sandalwood has an ago-old reputation as an aphrodisiac. Another nice touch is wrapping your lover’s bottom in a warm towel for a few minutes while you massage their shoulder and back. Lastly, don’t forget the massage oil. When using oil, remember a little goes a long way and excess oil may not taste nice latter.

There’s no right or wrong way to give a booty massage. However, there are few techniques that can help to make it more enjoyable experience.

Blushing Cheeks is a wonderful way to help loosen up tight and over worked muscles. For this technique, cup your palms on each cheek and rub in slow circular motions until the skin warms beneath your touch. Also, you can kneading and squeezing their cheeks with your whole hand. Once the muscles begin to loosen a bit, make soft fists and slowly kneed and twist them towards the center of your lover’s cheeks.

Surfboading is another technique that works well to relax tight muscles. Straddling your lover’s lower back work their booty from the top down. With lubed hands, place the heels of your palms just above your their cheeks and on either side of the spine. With firm pressure slowly glide your hands down the cheeks to the thighs. Resist the urge to go fast; slow deep strokes are more effective and stimulating.

Pray for More is also an excellent way to relax the inner cheeks and warm up your lover’s booty for play latter. For this technique place your palms together with the pinkies at the top of your lover’s butt cleavage. Slide your pinkies down for a slow ride, nestling them deep in for maximum pleasure. Then glide back up and slowly repeat. You can also add a wave like motion for extra stimulation.

Crease Rider will help to relax their lower booty muscles. Nestle your thumbs into the crease where the legs and butt meet. With firm pressure glide your thumbs in small circular motions. Slowly widen the circle and press deeper as you run your thumbs back and forth across the crease.

After your lover relaxes, you can move onto more concentrated A-spot massage.

Taint Treat, is a nice way to warm their tight button up. For this type of massage spread your lover’s legs wide and place your finger tips on your lover’s taint. Next, slowly and gently move your fingertips in small circles, applying only light pressure as you advance up.

All Thumbs is also a fun and effective. For this, gently place both thumbs deep between your lover’s cheeks on either side of their A-spot. With soft pressure slowly glide your thumbs up and outward. Repeat as you moving down slightly each time until you reach the taint. Repeat the process from the top again.

There are even a few techniques for direct A-spot massage.

Thumb Roller is one of Hubby’s personal favorites. With both thumbs directly on the A-spot stroke up and down as you lift the thumbs in a twiddling motion. This stimulates the outer anal rim as you slowly glide your thumbs across it. Another fun technique is the Butt Buffer. Use one lubed finger to slowly glide back and forth across your lover’s tight hole in a windshield wiper motion. Light pressure can be applied as they relax underneath erotic sensations.

No matter how you choose to massage your lover’s booty, one thing’s for sure, it’s a great way open your lover up to back door pleasures. Take your time, help them relax and before you know it their booty will be yearning to feel more.

Do you have an erotic way to massage your lover or a something special that to warm them up? Don’t keep it a secret, share your kinky thoughts bellow.

The Icicles line of glass dildos is stylish seductive and designed to please. A line that I personally adore, Pipedream’s Icicles’ are my go to glass toys.

When Pipedream asked me to review the Icicles, I couldn’t resist. With its sleek blue glass, little nubs and anal safe base, it was love at first sight.

The Icicles is glass wand that can be used either vaginally or anally. With 3.75 inches insertable, its petite size is ideal for those who prefer small vaginal toys. Don’t let the petite size fool you, this Icicles is packed full of pleasure. With small bumps of texture throughout the shaft, it creates delightful sensations as you play. Also, equipped with a flared base and an o-ring handle, the Icicles is also wonderful to use anally.

Anally the Icicles is utterly amazing. Designed with a tapered tip it’s easy to insert, even those who are new to anal penetration should find that the Icicles slips in easily.

The pleasure bumps are arranged in rows five rows with three to each row. These bumps feel delightful as you play without being too much. Even anally, there’s just the right amount of texture.

Each of the Icicles is hand blown from borosilicate glass. Unique in every way, the Icicles us made to play long and hard.

Glass is a great choice for your sex toys. Not only is it firm and hard inside of you, it’s also fun for temperature play. Run it under warm water to heat things up or pop it in a glass of ice water to cool things down. Icicles hold the temperature for an extended period of time letting you play and experiment till your heart’s content. If you find that the desired temperature is getting low, just pop it back in the water and play again.

Made from non-porous glass, this wand is easy to clean and can be sterilized. Simply wash it with warm soap and water or your favorite toy cleaner. To sterilize it, place it on the top rack of the dish washer or boil for three minutes. When removing from the dishwasher or boiling water, use caution; it will be hot.

Quick Review

6" Hand Blown Glass Anal Plug With Blue Smooth Studs

Icicles is a glass wand that’s ideal of vaginal or anal play.

Use it alone or with your partner.

Made from hand blown non-porous borosilicate glass.

Designed to last a life time.

Created with a tapered tip, flared base and o-ring handle.

Safe to use with your favorite lubricant.

Length : 6 inches

Insertable Length : 3.75 inches

Width: 1.25 inches


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SKU cd1102
Size one size fits most
Safety Features Anti-bacterial property,Hypo-allergenic,Latex free,Non-porous,Phthalates free
Manufacturer TryFm
Material Glass
Attention This device is exclusively for individual, please be careful to keep it clean before/after using; when washing it, keep circuit part away from water to avoid electrical fault; keep silicone cover away from dirty matter like ink; before storage, remove battery and reposition back to its normal site respectively in packing box for future use.
Material Components A glass is an inorganic non metallic material that does not have a crystalline structure. Such materials are said to be amorphous and are virtually solid liquids cooled at such a rate that crystals have not been able to form. Pyrex, a brand name for borosilicate glass, is made by adding boron into the mixture of sand, soda and ground lime.
Material Properties Pyrex is a hard material with a high chemical resistance and mechanical strength. The boron in Pyrex reduces any stress caused to the material due to temperature changes. It is less dense than ordinary glass, making it much more resistant to shattering and breaking as well, if it were to break it would not shatter or splinter into tiny pieces but instead it would snap or break in large pieces. It retains temperature extremely well and requires only a little lube for a super-slippery effect.
Hygiene And Maintenance Glass is extremely smooth and nonporous. Easy to clean, with soap/water or sex toy cleaner. Use condoms if sharing.
Lubricants Silicone, water, oil


What do we know?

The G-spot was named after Ernst Grafenberg. A medical doctor and scientist known for developing the IUD. He was also well known on his studies for the urethra’s role during orgasm. Grafenberg was a gynecologist in Berlin up until Nazi Germany took over. As Grafenberg was Jewish; he was arrested in 1937 and forced to leave his practice. He wasn’t freed until 1940. Then he moved to New York City to continue practicing medicine.

A Dutch doctor, Reginer de Graaf, was the first to talk about female ejaculation and refer to “an erogenous zone in the vagina” that he linked to being similar to the male prostrate. The “zone” wasn’t reported until Grafenberg and the term G-spot was later used to describe this zone.

The G-spot is said to be the bean-shaped area inside the vagina. Typically, found one to three inches inside along the frontal wall, lining with the urethra and bladder. Some believe that the G-spot is an extension to the clitoris. However, there is no evidence to prove one way or the other.

How can I find mine?

If you haven’t found yours, but have been trying to; chances are you are trying to hard. It’s not hard to find. It’s hard to stimulate.

    • Squat on the ground so you can easily insert your fingers.
    • Face your palm upright
    • Dig around
    • Do you feel a patch of skin that feels different from the rest on the frontal wall?

That is your G-spot!! Really and truly, that is your G-spot! As I said, it’s not hard to find. It’s hard to stimulate.

How do I stimulate mine to have vaginal orgasms?

No two vaginas are alike. So, I might be able to rub lightly with my fingers to orgasm, but you might have to have firm, direct stimulation to orgasm. Have fun with this experience. Don’t get frustrated because if you can’t relax; orgasms aren’t going to be easy. It’s a learning experience that takes time.

I recommend getting a reliable G-spot vibrator or dildo. If you don’t like the idea or inserting dildos or vibrators inside you; fingers can work. However, expect hand cramps and frustration. Dildos and vibrators are there as an aid to help masturbation and orgasms. They will improve your sex life! You will want to focus the object on the G-spot. Move it around until you find that spot. Trust me; you’ll know it when you touch it. Just like the spot on your clit.

Remember: the vibrator was originally invented because doctors were treating hysteria with orgasms manually, but needed a faster method.

When I masturbate solely with my fingers, it takes me a good 45 minutes to achieve orgasm. When I use a toy, depending on the toy, it can take less than 10 minutes. Trust me, if you want to orgasm; you want a sex toy!

When first starting out with G-spot stimulation, my favorite item was the Sasha Grey Swell wand. Not curved. Very light wavy texture. And inexpensive. I did find I had to angle the dildo upright just slightly, but it was the first time I was able to stimulate my G-spot with a toy.

I really want to Squirt. Can I learn how?

Squirting is something that takes time! I didn’t learn to squirt until after learning to stimulate my g-spot so well that it happened on accident. However, most women can’t orgasm without clitoral stimulation. If you can’t orgasm with just vaginal stimulation; combine it with clitoral stimulation. Don’t worry about achieving ejaculation. When it happened to me, I wasn’t trying for it or expecting it to happen at all. Don’t expect it to happen at all and/or every time. Ejaculation is something that not all women experience. It doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you or your partner. It just means you haven’t achieved ejaculation. Give yourself time! Relax and stop stressing over it. Otherwise you will never get there.


By beckandherkinks url:

As I become more experienced in anal play and purchase more advanced toys, I’ve noticed that most of my beginner and intermediate toys are collecting dust. Part of me says to throw them out, but the other part says I’ll end up regretting that. I assume other people have been in this situation. What have you all done?

I only use smaller toys, despite being an “advanced” user. However, there are many toys I grow tired of, or don’t like the feel of, and they just get piled in a drawer, or closet and forgotten. Until I purged my “Jelly” toys a few years ago, I had never tossed a toy that wasn’t broken or physically ruined, but I think I really do need to do some serious housecleaning in the “toy” department.

I keep them I tend to to still use them on occasion and would kick myself if I found myself wanting to experience them again and had gotten rid of them. I do keep them stored separate from the ones I use more on a regular basis though.

Selling them has never been an option in my mind. maybe a close friend and the toys are boilable. but still I don’t see my closest friend wanting one of my used anal toys  . I personally keep them in my collection and you never know you might use them again.

Over time some toys are replaced with newer ones. We play with them all allowing time for shrinkage to play with the smaller ones. They are great to wear for extended periods for all day play.

I threw out the ones that definitely did not work out. Did get some just too too large. Guess my eyes were bigger than my …. LOL. I’ve kept my beginners ones. I’m glad I did. Every now and then in the mood to use them. Also who knows, maybe one day my wife may want to try them.

Share and share alike.


I enjoy a more hard toy when it comes to anal play. I have been thinking of expanding the toy box but I am caught between buying either anal beads or an anal probe. I am concerned that the beads will be too soft or too bendable (for lack of a better word) and end up being something doesn’t do it for me. Are there are any beads that are not as flexible but have a little more give than most probes? Also I prefer harder silicone anal toys over soft.

I already have a few of those. What I like is the gradual increase of bulges in the beads and probes. I have a smaller probe (about 3 inch insertable)and was wanting something a little longer.

Have you seen these things you use to add a flared base to any dildo you like? They are made by Evolved and it appears Eden no longer sells them, but they come in either individual sizes based on the dildo girth, or you buy a set of all three sizes. Here is a link to a good review with helpful pictures showing it on different toys, etc. for the larger one using one of these (available elsewhere –I recommend trying the 3 pk so you’re covered no matter the toy size)

I mistakenly thought in my previous message that I linked you to my review of the Magic Scepter which has this info included! Here is the link to the (discontinued on Eden) three pack of “vibrator enhancers” I mention above.

Glass Dildo Crystal Dildo Glass Female masturbation devices Glass Anal toys Glass Anal Plug Glass Sex Toys

I’m trying to pick out my first toy for anal exploration. Even after reading the reviews I’m having a hard time picking between the two. They’re both made of silicone and they’re the same price, but I like the ring on the Plug of Lust.

So, that brings me to my question: which do you prefer?

I’m curious to see which one of these two butt plugs the community prefers, and which they would recommend.

I recommend that you look at the B-Bomb. It is nicely tapered and smooth. With some lube and patience it slips in nicely. The vibrations actually help relax/distract which also eases penetration.

Have fun and enjoy – don’t forget to reapply lube as necessary.

Well, I only have the Mood Naughty but I really love it as a beginner plug.

The Mood Naughty plugs are excellent for beginners. I recommend getting all three as they are extremely thin. They’re inexpensive enough to at least get two. But yeah, super skinny, body safe, flexible, they’re terrific!

My first plug was the Naughty Mood. I thought the longer tapered tip would be easier for entry. I also wanted a thin neck so would not be too stretched open. I found it enjoyable but not thick enough after few sessions. I then got a classic. It has the same long tapered design but boy was it bigger. It was even more enjoyable. However I discovered I preferred a plug that is shorter in length. The long ones stirred up BM’s after longer sessions. They also being silicone retained odors. I got tired of soaking in mild bleach solutions so purchased a N Joy Pure Plug. Being stainless they did not retain any odor and super easy to clean. Since I liked the classic (1 1/2 inch wide) I went with the Pure Plug Large which also is 1 1/2 inch wide. The Pure Plugs also have a thin neck.

Hope this helps you.

Don Wand Glass Pleasure Plug Glass butt Plug  Crystal butt Plug