There are many of us who identify as queer, bisexual, pansexual, or other identities that are flexible in the sex and gender of our partners. This is often difficult to understand for people who are not flexible, whether they are gay or straight. This is a guide for monosexual (cliff notes version: someone who is either straight or gay) partners of sexually flexible people to be a better partner to those of us with these unique identities.

1. Control and be aware of your jealousy, even more so than in other relationships.

Many people have jealousy in their romantic pursuits, which is normal as long as it is controlled and does not affect the other person. However, people flexible in their sexual orientation and pursuits could be interested in anyone, and being suspicious of them when they hang out with anyone will severely impair their ability to have any friends. This is really important to remember and also balance with the next two points.

2. Remember that they are bisexual or flexible, and treat that sexual orientation just as seriously as you would treat a straight or gay orientation.

Many times I have had a partner who conveniently forgets that I am flexible and gets fiercely jealous of me being around people of only one particular sex or gender identity but treats the other(s) like normal friends. Okay, really? My current partner is great about my flexible sexual orientation and knows that women, and any other gender for that matter, can be just as much of a threat to our relationship as cismen like himself. However, I’ve also gone on dates with cismen who seem to think that bisexual women exist for their amusement. Others, of any gender, think I’m confused. Even if your partner is confused and is working out their orientation, it is up to them to decide how to identify. You have no authority to tell them what their orientation really is.

3. The dating pool for gay people is small, especially in some regions of the country and world. Don’t freak out if your partner frequently sees an ex or two unless they give you a reason to do so.

This is important for straight people who are dating flexible people. If there are 10 lesbians in your little town, your partner is bound to have dated one or several of them, and after breaking up, they will run into them or even be best friends with them. It’s okay. Think about your ex-partners—-would you really want to get back together with them? Most people would say no. There is a reason that your partner is dating you and no longer dating them. It’s important for us to know other bisexuals, or even strictly gay people, that can understand this essential part of our identities. Sometimes that means becoming friends with ex-partners in ways that straight people would not.

4. Avoid cliché questions because they’ve been asked over and over again, unless they open the conversation, and don’t assume that your partner fits the stereotypes.

“Who have you had more/better sex with?” “How many threesomes have you had?” and other common bisexual questions are not a great start to a relationship with a bisexual or otherwise flexible person. These are questions we’ve heard a lot. We don’t also want to hear them from our partners. In fact, my partner is the person to whom I complain about these questions and stereotypes. People flexible about the sex and gender of their partners are stereotyped as confused, promiscuous, cheaters, and many other things that are not any more true about us than the general population. I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard people who claim to be really progressive make comments like, “I hope my partner isn’t bisexual. I don’t want them to cheat on me with a ____.” These comments hurt flexible people and perpetuate negative stereotypes. Don’t assume your partner will cheat on you because they are flexible.

5. But do talk about it. Ask your partner how you can be supportive.

Your partner has a sexual orientation that is commonly misunderstood and is also largely invisible. When holding your hand, people assume that they are ____ sexuality when they are only seeing half of the picture. If you are a couple that appears heterosexual, your partner may love heterosexual romance films—but also might love homosexual ones. Be sure that you are asking your partner if there is more that you could do to be supportive of their sexual orientation. If you are in a homosexual relationship with a bisexual person, consider buying them heterosexual erotica. If you are in a heterosexual relationship, go to Pride with them, or encourage them to attend with their LGBTQ friends.

6. Don’t overwhelm them with unnecessary support they didn’t ask for or want.

It may seem like this guide is contradictory, but it is mostly about balance. It is important to support your partner’s identity, but it is not their only identity. Don’t treat it as any more important than other parts of them, especially if they don’t think it is that important. Some people, like myself, are very into our queer identity and talk about it a lot. However, my queer identity is just as important as my working-class, woman, and feminist ones, all of which I spend a lot of time thinking and talking about. Don’t focus solely on their flexible sexual orientation and not at all on other identities. If your partner says they don’t want to go to Pride or receive heterosexual erotica, don’t push it on them. You partner may not want or need any extra support from you, and that’s okay too.If there is something I’ve forgotten or that you want to add, please do so in the comments!

We all know how hard it is raising teens. This stage is where communication is so very difficult, yet so essential. Sex is certainly going to be a struggle during their teenage years, but this is the time when you are needed the most.

“Life without sex might be safer but it would be unbearably dull. It is the sex instinct which makes women seem beautiful, which they are once in a blue moon, and men seem wise and brave, which they never are at all. Throttle it, denaturalize it, take it away, and human existence would be reduced to the prosaic, laborious, boresome, imbecile level of life in an anthill.”

— Henry Louis Mencken

To Have Sex Or Not To Have Sex: That Is The Question!

Few parents want to face the idea that their teens are having sex — but research shows that many teens are sexually active by high school. We can all agree that sex is awesome, sex is incredible. It is something shared between two people and by golly, I am not opposed to getting down and dirty. What I am opposed to is unprotected and illegitimate sex (sex without meaning) in teens. Now, I’m not perfect. I’ve had illegitimate sex in my teen years, but because of the emotional consequences, I now know to try to go against the primitive desire to have sex without any sort of feeling, emotion, or commitment.So how can you talk to your child about sex?1. Promote Abstinence
Tell the child you’d prefer they wait until they are mentally capable to handle the ramifications of sex. Ask your teen to think about his or her own values and hopes for the future — and consider how sex might affect them.

2. Discuss Birth Control Options
Give your child options, just in case abstinence is not their course of action. Make sure to take them to a doctor to have everything checked out beforehand. And make sure that your child is getting tested for STDs regularly thereafter. Talk to them about male and female condoms, spermicide, prescription birth control, emergency birth control, and natural family planning. Don’t be afraid that talking to your child about contraception will encourage them to have sex. They’re thinking about it whether you bring it up or not.

3. Encouraging Responsible Behavior
Make sure your teen knows that alcohol and drugs will impair their judgement. Be sure to tell them about different birth control options and the frequency of the medications.

4. Let Your Young Woman Take Charge of Her Sexual Health
This is not the 60s anymore! Women are demanding their piece of the pie. Yes, women have needs and a couple of years ago, sexual satisfaction was not much of a priority in comparison to now. If you have a young woman who desires to take charge of her sexual pleasure, help her out. I remember when my mom purchased my first vibrator. It was awkward for me to talk to her about it, but I appreciate the fact that she did it on her own. Many teens simply see the television shows of women and men being engulfed by a passionate kiss only to find that the woman has her legs spread wide open, making all kinds of porn star noises.

By purchasing a love toy, your teen can experience an orgasm alone, which may make some females decide that they don’t have to have sex this early in life. I know some of my teen friends back in high school just wanted to know what an orgasm felt like. Had they known that sex wasn’t like it is portrayed in movies, they probably would have waited.

5. Let Your Teen Know That His/Her Desire To Have Sex Is Natural
Your teen should not be ashamed that he/she wishes to have sex. Yes, the topic may be difficult to bring up at the family table, but it is definitely a topic that all parents have to go through eventually. Assure your child that their natural instinct to engage in sex is a totally primitive catalyst agent to procreate. Try to make your teen aware that there are plenty of things about sex and your own body’s response to sex that you will have to learn along the way.

6. Communicate
The number one challenge of raising adolescents: the Superman complex! Psychology 101-they think they are invincible! No one can touch them. This is why many teens sext, drink, etc. They think that no one understands them, which makes them feel isolated, which in turn causes them to act out. Behavioral changes becomes prevalent as the adolescent is faced with pressures in school, realization of sexual identity, and the like.

To better manage these changes, talk with your child. Healthy communication is key here. There may be an underlying cause that clouds their judgment on things. Offer to just be there, even if they do not want to talk about a situation. Let’s be real, some things kids just do not want to share with their parents. I’m sure no teenage girl would like to come out to their parents and say, “My boyfriend tried to have sex with me, and I wanted to do it, but I was scared. What should I do, mom?” In reality, there are very few kids that will say such a thing to a parent. Instead, offer to be there to just hold them, even without saying a word. Support is crucial here. They will realize that they are not alone.

For the Parent: Coping

How can you cope with your teen having sex?I know it can be difficult to admit to yourself that your child is having sex. Admitting it is the biggest hurdle and everything after that seems to be a bit easier. Please understand that your child is not a child anymore. S/he is a young adult. A young adult with desires, primitive instincts, and the ability to make their own decisions. Just think of it this way- whatever advice they are not getting from you, they are getting from their friends, books, movies, the internet, and magazines. You cannot stop your child from experiencing the real world anymore. The real world doesn’t care about age appropriate exposure and the only way to stop your child from being miseducated is to educate them on the subject yourself. If you don’t know an answer to their question, find the answer- or better yet, find the answer together.My mom used to have an “office drop box.” That’s what she called it. If my sister or I had any questions that we were too afraid to ask her in person, we were to type up the question, print it out (for fear of her recognizing one of our handwriting), and drop it in her “drop box” that was a pretty pink cardboard box with a slit in it. The box stood on a stand right outside of her master bedroom. My mom would check the box every day and she would construct a reply. She would place the replies in another two boxes outside of the kids bathroom. Each reply had a date.

She constructed an excel worksheet that listed the date the question was received. My sister and I remember the date we sent our questions and looked on the excel chart that was overhead of the box. We got our replies back from whatever box coincided with our date so the other sibling wouldn’t have to know what we asked our mother. I think this was an excellent method because it kept us anonymous. And sometimes, the unbiased reply made my sister and I want to strike up a conversation with my mom about it. But sometimes, we did prefer to have our answers in the reply drop box.

Parents, please make an effort to be as unbiased and nonjudgmental as possible. This will help you cope with your child, but also make your child feel as if they can come to you with anything. Be sure to also tell your teen that if they can’t talk to you, although advised, they can speak with another adult that is experienced enough to answer their inquiries. There are plenty of resources out there for them. If your teen has a question about sex, STDs, abortion, etc, they can call Planned Parenthood at (800)-230-7526 or American Pregnancy Hotline at (866)-942-6466. If they feel as if there are some LGBTQIA related issues that need to be discussed, they can call the Trevor Project hotline at (866)-488-7386. The Trevor Project even has an online chat during certain times of the day. The opportunities for you and your child are endless. It is indeed a journey, but you have to start somewhere with your child, before your child starts the journey without you.

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” -Martin Luther King Jr.

Running out of places to hide your toys? You children, roommate, or pet find them no matter where you put them? Don’t fret! Here is a list of possible places to hide your precious toys.

Even those without children understand the importance of a good hiding place for your toys. We have all heard, witnessed, or been involved in those uncomfortable stories of the family pet carrying a hot pink dildo through the living room on a major holiday get together, or the delighted child who found out his parents were “super heroes” with a collection complete with whips, cuffs, and other strange devices. This guide is designed to help you discover creative hiding places around your home, and hopefully inspire you to find some of your own.

While storing your toys in a box under the bed may work for some people, it may not work for all. I once had a visiting child bring his mother one of my husband’s masturbation sleeves. While the child had no idea what he had dug up, his mother and I did. Boy, was that embarrassing! So what alternative options are there for hiding your sexual treasures?

Some nifty boxes adorned with locks, but with my luck I would lose the key. If you are blessed with height you could store your collection in the top of your closet, but that is no help to us short folk. There is of course the option of using a hidey pillow or a teddy bear, but could you imagine your surprise if you ever forgot and your pillow begins violently vibrating in the middle of a peaceful nap?

I personally like to get creative with my hiding places. Even with limited space, multiple roommates, or nosy children there are tons of hiding options in any house; behind the TV or microwave, behind the books on your bookshelf, in an empty shampoo bottle under the sink, to name a few. Why limit your hiding places to just the bedroom when you may get a hankering for pleasure in any room of your house? You will need to use your imagination and hide a toy in every room for those adventurous urges.

Behind the TV is not the only option for your living room hiding place. You could easily stuff a pleasure device between the couch cushions, under the recliner, or in a potted plant! Of course this may just be begging your children to use your lime green ten incher as a sword for their next game of make believe. And do not be limited to behind the microwave for your kitchen, either. Hide one behind that frozen bag of peas you have had in your freezer for two years, or under the stove, just make sure that one is not “meltable.” While you are hiding your toys in the kitchen do not forget which cooking oil you use for lube and which one you actually use for cooking! Ideas for your bathroom might include behind the toilet, in a cardboard toilet paper roll, or under that towel no one ever uses. If you slip one in your tampon box be aware of the possibility of female visitors finding it. Since you are already in the bathroom do not forget to wash your toys before use, unless of course you enjoy the feeling of behind the potty grime in your lady bits.

If you are brave and truly adventurous you may be tempted to try the “hide it in plain sight” approach. You could use ben wa balls as center piece decorations, throw in some potpourri and no one would ever guess that your kegal balls were on your coffee table! Use butt plugs as faux candles, the more unique the design the more stylish family and friends will believe you are- just be sure no one attempts to light them. Dildos could be used as unique art pieces. Vibrators have the potential to be disguised as hand mixers or neck massagers. Get a little more creative with vibrators by taking the batteries out, flipping them upside down and using them to hold silk flowers- voila! a vase. Cock rings could be thrown in with tools and your friends would believe that they were merely washers or what not.

Remember, be creative, and do not limit yourself to just the bedroom! But of course hiding it in plain sight or even in a place that seems like a good hiding place outside of the privacy of your bedroom is just asking for trouble. All things considered, you may be better off just investing in a lock box. And for the sake of your toys, DO NOT LOSE THE KEY!

So you want to buy a flogger….It can be pretty intimidating with all the different types out there! Hopefully this guide will clear up any concerns.

Elk/Moose hide floggers

Elk and moose skin floggers are great for beginners and for people who don’t like too much pain. The nice thing about these beauties is they ‘thump’. They make a great noise with even the smallest amount of force. They’re very versatile and can go between causing very little pain to really stinging if you use the tails. This is pretty standard for any flogger, other than fur floggers. It takes a very short time to break in an elk skin flogger and they’re great for anyone, really. Over all I suggest these for people who want impact play but aren’t comfortable with pain or ANY beginner.

Standard cow/bull hide flogger

These are similar to the elk skin floggers but the hide isn’t as soft and it takes a much longer time to break in. And even when fully broken in they will never be as soft as the elk skin floggers. It’s just the nature of the cow and bull skin. I don’t suggest these for beginners, simply because the stiffness of the leather make them a little harder to handle, in my opinion. They also tend to hurt quite a bit more and require more skill to get the results you’ll be looking for. You also have a better chance of actually causing quite a bit of pain. That being said they ARE fantastic floggers for people who want a little more ‘pop’ in their impact play. They tend to bruise as well as welt so that’s a plus for a lot of people. Just be careful when shopping around and look for REAL leather and not fake pleather!

Horse hair floggers

Okay. These hurt like a BITCH. But it’s not a pressure kind of hurt. It is a very intense, burning sting. If you like really intense, unusual type of pain I would suggest these. These are a special tool you should make sure you test before using. I would not recommend these for any one other than someone fairly experienced in impact play and well versed in how to use floggers correctly. I only say this because I have seen these break skin on more that one occasion when used by the right person. For this reason please make sure that this type of flogger is ALWAYS sanitized between uses. All your toys should be sanitized between uses but I’m emphasizing it on these bad boys. They’re awesome for those of you who like pain but please test them out and get comfortable with them before using them in a scene.

Rubber or silicone flogger

These are the ones you see most commonly in standard sex stores. All I’m going to say about these is they are NOT for beginners. While they won’t cut into skin like the horse hair…They do leave some pretty intense welts. This is another one I suggest testing out before you buy it. It’s not as EASY to hurt some one with them but in order to get ANY kind of pay off you have to hit some one pretty hard with them. There is no in between with these. They either hurt like a bitch or you don’t feel anything at all. If you are going to invest in one, go through a good store and not you local run of the mill sex shop. Unless your local sex shop has an impressive kink section.

Metal floggers

This is going to be very brief. I don’t really think ANYONE should be using these. Mostly because they’re metal. I know there are a lot of subs out there who want to up their pain levels but I want to advise against these and make a note regarding ALL impact play: Your mind can handle a lot more pain than your physical body. Especially in the moment. You may be doing serious damage to your body and not even realize it because you aren’t registering pain over the adrenaline. So PLEASE take your health and safety into consideration.

That being said, metal floggers can be great sensation tools. Running them over a sub’s back during a scene can cause some pretty intense sensations. They also look pretty intimidating and might be good to have around simply to bring out and show off. But PLEASE do not use them.

Cat ‘O nine tails

This is a broad subject. A Cat doesn’t have to have nine tails. It’s just a general term for a flogger that has fewer, longer, sturdier tails. Cats are FANTASTIC. But again..Work your way up to them. It’s another flogger that causes a stinging sensation but has a little more umph behind it. These are pretty notorious for causing bruises and welts and are really great as long as you know how to use them. They are a lot less forgiving in terms of technique and you really have to know how to handle them in order to get good results. But they get a ten out of ten for appearance, impression and use. As long as you can master them.

Fur floggers

These are awesome and a lot of fun. Most of them are pretty heavy and give a lot of that ‘thud’ impact I talked about earlier. They’re great for the spoiled sub who doesn’t like pain. They feel more like a massage than a beating, really. They also double up and work well during sensation play. Honestly…There is NO pain in these. They are simply for weight. They don’t hurt and they don’t make much of a noise either. But…they are still A LOT of fun.

General information

So those are your basic types of floggers! Keep in mind the matter of sanitation with all of these things! Certain leathers require oils but most of these can be cleaned with a mix of water or alcohol. When talking about any kind of leather though, please refer to proper leather care instructions. Most toy cleaners are a pretty safe bet as well. Always clean your toys and store them properly! This will ensure the safety of your partners as well as the longevity of your toys!

I also want to mention that the type of handle that comes on your toy is important! This is all personal preference of course and there are floggers that double as penetration toys as well as impact toys! Research and figure out whats best for you!

A note on genital impact play. Please be careful. Your naughty bits are sensitive and you can sustain permanent nerve damage if you get hit the wrong way. Don’t go over board with it and use softer materials and never go in just swinging at someone’s dick or clit. Try to aim for fattier areas that contain less nerve endings. If you aren’t skilled with aiming and controlling a flogger then don’t do it AT ALL.

Also keep in mind that at the end of the day you are hitting someone and probably causing some degree of pain. Health and mental state need to be monitored carefully and a first aid kit needs to be kept close by.

Up to 35% of women usually don’t reach orgasm during masturbation, and up to 70% of women cannot orgasm from penetrative intercourse alone. Orgasm is important for our bodies and overall health. The rush of endorphins caused by orgasm relaxes muscles and helps with stress. PC muscle contractions and increased blood flow improve vaginal and urinary system health. Climaxing can relieve pain associated with pre-menstrual syndrome and even migraines. Use vibrators to achieve faster and easy orgasms and get all health benefits from sexual pleasure.


You lie on your right side; he kneels, straddling your right leg and curling your left leg around his left side.


You get the deeper penetration of doggy style while still being able to make that important eye contact.


Get your guy to put his hands to work.


You lie facedown on the bed, legs straight, hips slightly raised.


This position creates a snug fit. Your guy’s stuff will seem even larger.


Some shallow thrusts and deep breathing will help him last longer.


You lie back with your legs resting on each of his shoulders.


When you raise your legs, it narrows the vagina and helps target your G-spot.


Ask him to start rocking you in a side-to-side or up-and-down motion. That should bring his penis into direct contact with your G-spot.


He sits on a chair or the edge of the bed; you face him, seated on his lap.


You’re in control of the angle and depth of the entry and thrust. Being seated provides support, so it’s great for marathon sex.


Let your fingers (and hands) do the talking. Once seated, you can put your hands anywhere on your body or his to make things more interesting.